1. 此活動推廣期為 2025 年 01 月 25 日 12:30 至 2025 年 01 月 26 日 19:30。
2. 客戶需使用 Mastercard 卡,並以「常用信用卡快速付款」方式使用 Pinkoi Pay 於 Pinkoi Space 新春好好買 2025 香港場內支付,購買滿 HK$250 或以上(活動門檻為訂單享用 Mastercard 折扣前之商品金額),即減 HK$40。其他方式包括 Apply Pay、AlipayHK、及其他第三方支付方式作出之交易均不適用於此獎賞。
3. 使用活動折抵時會擇優套用金額予以折抵,無法合併優惠使用,單筆簽賬最高減 HK$40。
4. 優惠名額,數量有限,用完即止,恕不另行通知。若優惠名額已額滿,Pinkoi 將不會自動套用優惠並於購物車頁面顯示「 Mastercard 卡優惠名額已滿」訊息。
5. 結帳僅有「常用信用卡快速付款」方式才能套用優惠;如沒有設定 Mastercard 卡為常用信用卡,須先「新增常用信用卡」。
6. 此優惠適用於香港及澳門地區,並使用中 / 英文語系的客戶,已成立訂單不得以未使用優惠為由取消訂單。
7. 本推廣不適用於購買 Pinkoi 禮物卡。
8. 本推廣只可於 Pinkoi Pay 結帳時使用。
9. 若取消訂單將會收回該筆訂單之 P Coins。
10. 符合活動條件與站上優惠規則即可享有優惠。查閱優惠規則:https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/zh-hk/articles/115003419653
11. Pinkoi 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 保留隨時更改、暫停或取消本推廣修改此條款及細則之權利而無須另行通知。
12. 如有任何爭議,Pinkoi 及 Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 保留最終決定權。
13. 條款及細則的中英文版本如有歧異,應以中文版本為準。
【Pinkoi x Mastercard】25/01/2025 - 26/01/2025 At Pinkoi Space Lunar New Year Market 2025 Pay with Mastercard card and enjoy HK$40 off on a single transaction of over HK$250 with Pinkoi Pay within promotion period
1. Promotional period: January 25 2025 12:30 to January 26 2024 19:30.
2. Customers need to pay with Mastercard cards via Pinkoi Pay at Pinkoi Space Lunar New Year Market 2025 for purchases of HK$250 or above (The value of an order is calculated using the amount before Mastercard discounts are applied), can enjoy HK$40 discount.
3. When using promotional discounts, the highest discount will be applied, and the discounts cannot be combined. The maximum discount per transaction is HK$40.
Transactions made by other methods, including Apply Pay, AlipayHK, and other third-party payment methods are not applicable to this reward.
4. The promotion offer is subject to a quota and on a first-come, first-served basis, while stock lasts with no further notice. Upon the quota is reached, the instant discount will not be automatically applied and it shall display “Quota Full”.
5. This offer is eligible for the "Frequently Used Credit Card" method only. Please add Mastercard card as a "Frequently Used Credit Card".
6. This offer is applicable to customers in Hong Kong and Macau, using either the Chinese or English language system. Once an order is placed, it cannot be canceled on the grounds of not using the promotion.
7. This offer is not applicable for purchasing Pinkoi Gift Cards.
8. The offer can only use with Pinkoi Pay.
9. If an order is canceled, any P Coins issued for it will also be revoked.
10. Offer is valid for use once the outlined terms and conditions have been met and Pinkoi Discount Regulations have been complied with. For regulation details, please refer to: https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003419653
11. Pinkoi and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited reserve the right to change, suspend or cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice.
12. In case of any dispute, the decision of Pinkoi and Mastercard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited shall be final.
13. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of the terms and conditions herein, the Chinese version shall prevail.
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