1. 此活動推廣期為 2024 年 11 月 22 日 13:00 至 2024 年 11 月 29 日 23:59。於【Pinkoi Design Fest 2024・香港站】活動期間入場,即可獲得參與資格。按照指示,登記成為 Pinkoi 會員,追蹤臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處 (@taiwan_ttahk) 及 Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk) Instagram 官方帳號,並填妥表格,即可參與有獎遊戲。
2. 於 【 Pinkoi Design Fest 2024・香港站 】 活動結束後,臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處及 Pinkoi HK 將從符合資格並成功參與有獎遊戲的參加者中,挑選回答最有創意的 2 名參加者,各有機會贏得中華航空 - 香港至台北經濟艙來回機票一張。
3. 遊戲獎品為中華航空 - 香港至台北經濟艙來回機票一張,名額 2 個,每名得獎者只可獲一次得獎機會。
4. 登記參與活動的 Instagram 帳號名稱必須為已追蹤臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處 (@taiwan_ttahk) 及 Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk) Instagram 官方帳號的 Instagram 帳號,Pinkoi 將於挑選得獎者前進行驗證。於驗證期間,如登記帳號未符合以上要求,將被視作無效,參與有獎遊戲的資格將被取消。
5. Pinkoi 將在 2024 年 12 月 13 日,於 Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk) Instagram 官方帳號公佈得獎名單,並以電郵形式通知得獎者領獎方式。得獎者須於得獎通知電郵發出起計算的 7 天內回覆,並確認領獎方式,否則被視同放棄,其得獎資格將被取消。
6. 本活動只限年滿 18 歲人士參加。
7. 所有資料均以網上登記之記錄為準,任何錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效。若活動所填寫之資料不實或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及活動獎品,Pinkoi 恕不負責。
8. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於 Pinkoi 之事由,而使參加者或得獎者所登錄之資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,Pinkoi 不負任何法律責任,參加者或得獎者均不得異議。
9. 如發現參加者以外掛程式或其他非正式途徑如空號或假帳戶參加本活動,Pinkoi 將取消該參加者的參加資格而不作另行通知。
10. 獎賞以兌換證形式發放,得獎者可按指示於換領期內自行前往指定換領地點領取。
11. 中華航空保留對獎品兌換及使用方式的決定權,並須受中華航空條款及細則約束。如對此有任何疑問,請向中華航空查詢。
12. 獎品一經領取後,若有破壞、遺失或被竊,Pinkoi、臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處及中華航空恕不補發。
13. 獎品不能轉讓或兌換現金。
14. 此活動僅適用於香港地區。
15. 閣下在本表格內提供的個人資料僅會由 Pinkoi 使用,在閣下中獎時與閣下聯絡。該等資料將由 Pinkoi 以良好保安的方式儲存,但亦可能會向 Pinkoi 的授權僱員或由我們聘請協助維持我們的產品供應的第三方服務提供者披露。該等第三方服務提供者均對本公司負有保密責任,不可就其本身的目的使用閣下的個人資料。我們不會將閣下的個人資料出售予任何第三方。
16. 參加者了解並願意遵守本公司訂立的條款及細則,如有違反條款、以不誠實手法進行此活動及、或造假者,本公司有權取消其參加及得獎資格,而不作任何通知。
17. 如有任何爭議,Pinkoi與臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處保留最終決議權,並以中文版本的條款及細則為準。
【 Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office x Pinkoi 】Taipei Flight Ticket Giveaway
1. The promotional period for this event is from November 22, 2024, 13:00 to November 29, 2024, 23:59. Participants who enter during the 【Pinkoi Design Fest 2024・Hong Kong Station】 event are eligible to participate. To enter, follow the instructions to register as a Pinkoi member, follow the official Instagram accounts of the Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office (@taiwan_ttahk) and Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk), and complete the form to participate in the prize game.
2. After the 【Pinkoi Design Fest 2024・Hong Kong Station】 event concludes, the Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office and Pinkoi HK will select two participants with the most creative answers from those who are eligible and successfully participated in the prize game, each having a chance to win one round-trip economy class ticket from Hong Kong to Taipei with China Airlines.
3. The prize for the game is one round-trip economy class ticket from Hong Kong to Taipei with China Airlines, with 2 tickets available. Each winner can only win once.
4. The Instagram account registered to participate in the event must be one that follows the official Instagram accounts of the Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office (@taiwan_ttahk) and Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk). Pinkoi will verify the winners before selection. If the registered account does not meet the above requirements during the verification period, it will be considered invalid, and the eligibility to participate in the prize game will be canceled.
5. Pinkoi will announce the winners on December 13, 2024, via the official Instagram account Pinkoi HK (@pinkoi_hk) and will notify the winners of the prize collection method via email. Winners must reply within 7 days from the date of the prize notification email to confirm the collection method; otherwise, it will be considered a forfeiture, and their winning eligibility will be canceled.
6. This event is only open to participants aged 18 and above.
7. All information will be based on the online registration records; any incorrect or incomplete information will be considered invalid. If the information provided for the event is false or incorrect, resulting in the winner not receiving the prize notification and event prizes, Pinkoi will not be held responsible.
8. Pinkoi is not liable for any loss, error, inability to identify, or damage to the information registered by participants or winners due to computer, network, phone, technical issues, or other reasons not attributable to Pinkoi, and participants or winners may not dispute this.
9. If a participant is found to be using plugins or other unofficial means, such as fake accounts or void numbers, to participate in this event, Pinkoi will cancel that participant’s eligibility without further notice.
10. The prizes will be issued in the form of vouchers, and winners can collect them at designated redemption locations according to the instructions within the redemption period.
11. China Airlines reserves the right to determine the prize redemption and usage methods, and these are subject to China Airlines’ terms and conditions. If there are any questions regarding this, please inquire with China Airlines.
12. Once a prize is collected, Pinkoi, the Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office, and China Airlines will not issue replacements in case of damage, loss, or theft.
13. Prizes are non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
14. This event is only applicable to the Hong Kong region.
15. The personal data you provide in this form will only be used by Pinkoi to contact you in case you win. This data will be stored securely by Pinkoi but may be disclosed to authorized employees or third-party service providers hired to assist in maintaining our product supply. These third-party service providers are bound by confidentiality and cannot use your personal data for their own purposes. We will not sell your personal data to any third party.
16. Participants understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions set by the company. If there is a violation of the terms, dishonest conduct in this event, or forgery, the company reserves the right to cancel their participation and winning eligibility without any notification.
17. In the event of any dispute, Pinkoi and the Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office reserve the final decision rights, and the Chinese version of the terms and conditions shall prevail.
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