1. 此活動時間為 2024 年 11 月 22 日 00:00 至 2024 年 11 月 25 日 23:59。
2. 活動期間,使用 APP 結帳時於購物車點選「使用優惠券」並輸入 「@24PDF80」,商品金額滿 HK$1,000 即減 HK$80。(活動門檻為訂單折扣後之商品金額,不包含運費或金流處理費)
3. 優惠券數量有限,領完即止,如優惠券派發完畢將顯示優惠券無效。
4. 此優惠每個帳號限使用 1 次。
5. 此優惠適用於合併結帳,惟不可與 P Coins 或其他站方優惠同時使用,站方優惠將擇優套用。
6. 此優惠適用於香港及澳門地區。
7. 若取消訂單將會收回該筆訂單之 P Coins 點數。
8. 符合活動條件與站上優惠規則即可享有優惠,優惠規則詳情:https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/zh-tw/articles/115003419653
【2024 Pinkoi Design Fest】22/11 - 25/11 Place order by APP and Enter coupon code @24PDF80 Get HK$ 80 off on order worth HK$ 1,000!
1. Promotional period: November 22, 2024 00:00 to November 25 2024 23:59.
2. During the promotional period, place order by APP and enter coupon code "@24PDF80" to get HK$ 80 off on orders worth at least HK$1,000. (The value of an order is calculated using the amount after shop discount and does not include shipping and transaction fees.)
3.Coupons are given out on a first come first served basis.
4. This coupon can only be used once.
5. This coupon cannot be used in combination with other coupons, P Coins, etc.
6. This offer is only appliable in Hong Kong and Macau.
7. If an order is canceled, any P Coins issued for it will also be revoked.
8. For regulation details, please refer to: https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003419653
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