1. Pinkoi Design Awards 投票活動時間為 2024 年 4 月 22 日至 2024 年 5 月 22 日 23:59 結束,使用 P Coins 為支持的設計品牌投票吧!
2. 消費者若使用 APP 版本參與此 Pinkoi Design Awards 投票活動,跳轉投票頁面可能需要重新登入才能投票。
3. 投票方式及規則:
步驟一:進入「Pinkoi Design Awards」主題頁,點選「立即投票」之按鈕,將會跳轉至「Pinkoi Design Awards 人氣投票」畫面。
步驟三:選擇欲投票之「品牌」並按下「立即投票 」。每投 1 票需要使用 1 P Coin,2 票則需要使用 2 P Coins,以此類推。
步驟四:看到「已成功投票」即完成該次投票。(*Pinkoi 會員每日僅限投 5 票,一地區限頭 1 票)
4. 前 5,000 名投滿 10 票的用戶,即可獲得 40 P Coins,每人限得 1 次獎勵,限量 5,000 個名額,P Coins 將於 6/22 前發放。
5. 如參與者,以惡意電腦程式及其他明顯違反活動公平性之方式(如創立假帳號),意圖混淆或影響抽獎結果,皆為違反規定之行為。經由主辦單位發現或網友檢舉後確認屬實,主辦單位可將嫌疑票數全數予以刪除或取消抽獎 / 中(得)獎資格。
6. 消費者於參加本活動時,視為同意接受本活動所有內容及細則之規範;倘有違反本活動相關注意規範,主辦單位得取消其中獎資格,並對於任何破壞本活動之行為保留法律追訴權。
7. 主辦單位保留修改活動與獎項細節的權利,無須事前通知,並有權對本活動所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。如本活動因不可抗力之特殊原因無法執行時,主辦單位有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動。
Pinkoi Design Awards Voting Terms and Conditions
1. Pinkoi Design Awards voting event start from April 22, 2024, to May 22, 2024, until 23:59. Support your favorite design brands with P Coins!
2. If members use the app version of Pinkoi to participate in Pinkoi Design Awards voting, they may need to log in again on the voting page in order to vote.
3. Voting method and rules:
Step 1: Enter the "Pinkoi Design Awards" theme page, click the "Vote now" button, and you will be redirected to the "Pinkoi Design Awards Voting" interface.
Step 2: Browse the shortlisted brands or directly search for the brand you want to vote for in the search bar.
Step 3: Select the brand you want to vote for and click on "Vote now". Each vote requires the use of 1 P Coin, with 2 votes requiring 2 P Coins, and so forth.
Step 4: Once you see "Voted Received", your vote has been submitted successfully. (*Pinkoi members are limited to 5 votes per day, with only 1 vote allowed per region.)
4. Users who are among the first 5000 to cast 10 votes will receive 40 P Coins as a reward. Each person is eligible for this reward only once, with a limited availability of 5000 slots. P Coins will be distributed before June 22.
5. If Pinkoi discovers a member using fake accounts or any type of computer program to disrupt, manipulate or sabotage the operation of this event, Pinkoi reserves the right to disqualify the member from participating in voting.
6. Participants are deemed to agree to accept all the rules and regulations pertaining to this event. If there is any violation of the rules and regulations of this event, Pinkoi will disqualify the relevant participant from voting. Pinkoi reserves the right to take legal action for any behavior that disrupts this event.
7. In case of any dispute, Pinkoi reserves the right of final decision.
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