1. 活動時間為 2024 年每月 10 日 00:00 - 23:59,特定月份為兩日優惠(6 月 10 - 11 日、8 月 9 - 10 日、10 月 9 - 10 日、11 月 10 - 11 日)。
2. 優惠期間使用 Pinkoi APP 下單,於結帳時點選「使用 Pinkoi 購物優惠及禮物卡」可以享商品金額現折 7%,最高減 HK$50。再享高達 4% P Coins 回贈。商品金額以商品折扣後金額(不包含運費或金流處理費)計算。
3. 適用於合併結帳,惟不可與 P Coins 或其他站方優惠同時使用。
4. 本次活動為全地區都適用,且為每月常態性優惠,符合活動條件與優惠規則即可享有此優惠。如當月活動內容有不同,將另行公告,活動規則及優惠如有變動依據最新的 Pinkoi 條款公告為主。
5. 活動期間內完成訂單付款,白銀等級或以上會員消費,最高可賺取商品金額 4% 回贈,以等值的 P Coins 發送。將按以下會員等級加碼贈送:
- 白銀會員:1% 基本 P Coins 回贈
- 黃金會員:共 2% P Coins 回贈,包括 1% 基本回贈及 1% 加碼回贈
- 鑽石會員:共 3% P Coins 回贈,包括 1% 基本回贈及 2% 加碼回贈
- 尊貴會員:共 4% P Coins 回贈,包括 1% 基本回贈及 3% 加碼回贈
範例:消費商品金額滿 HK$ 100,黃金會員獲得 2% 回贈,完成付款後將收到 100 P Coins,以此類推。
5. 此優惠適用於香港及澳門地區,符合活動條件與優惠規則即可享有此優惠。
6. 優惠規則:https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/zh-hk/articles/115003419653
【Members’ Day】Get 7% off on orders placed using the Pinkoi app for up to HK$ 50 off!
1. This offer is only valid on the 10th of each month for the year 2024 and there will be a special two-day promotion on specific months: June 10-11, August 9-10, October 10-11, November 10-11.
2. When placing orders with the Pinkoi app, members can click on “Use a Pinkoi discount or gift card” at checkout to enjoy a discount of 7% for a total discount of up to HK$ 50 while earning up to a 4% P Coins rebate. (The value of an order is calculated using the amount after discounts are applied and does not include shipping and transaction fees.)
3. This offer is suitable for use with combined checkout.
4. This offer is applicable to all regions and is available on a monthly basis. Offer is valid for use once the outlined terms and conditions have been met and Pinkoi discount regulations have been complied with. If the offer for a particular month is modified in any way, an announcement will be made, and the terms and conditions of the offer for that particular month will be based on the terms and conditions outlined in the announcement.
5. Silver Members and above can earn a P Coins rebate when making purchases. The amount of the rebate will depend on membership level:
- Silver Members: 1% rebate
- Gold Members: 2% rebate, incl. 1% standard + 1% bonus rebate
- Diamond Members: 3% rebate, incl. 1% standard + 2% bonus rebate
- Royal Members: 4% rebate, incl. 1% standard + 3% bonus rebate
P Coins will be issued on the same day that payment for an order is completed (Members’ Day). If the order is refunded or canceled, any P Coins that were issued will be rescinded. For more detailed information on the use of P Coins, please see: https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/900000134463
6. Pinkoi Discount Regulations: https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003419653
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