① 於 2024 年 2 月 15 日 00:00 至 2024 年 2 月 29 日 23:59 活動期間,單筆訂單金額滿 HK$800 即可參加。
② 前往「2024 旅行清單」主題頁之「登錄即贏機票」欄目,點擊登錄按鈕,並於活動期間滿足訂單金額門檻,即有機會贏得機票。每位會員限一次登錄機會(滿額門檻為訂單之商品折扣後金額,不包含運費或金流處理費)。
③ 第 200, 400, 600, 800 個登錄的會員即可獲台北雙人來回機票一套(獎賞以 30,000「亞洲萬里通」里數形式發放)。
④ 首 800 名成功登錄並滿足訂單金額門檻的會員,將於活動完結後獲得 Pinkoi 體驗活動折扣優惠券乙張。
1. 此活動推廣期為 2024 年 2 月 15 日 00:00 至 2024 年 2 月 29 日 23:59。活動期間,單筆訂單金額滿 HK$800 並於活動主題頁完成登錄,即有機會贏走台灣雙人來回機票。
2. Pinkoi 將在 2024 年 3 月 11 日,於 Pinkoi Facebook 專頁公佈得獎名單。得獎者須於得獎名單公佈後 7 日內將 Pinkoi 帳戶名稱、香港身份證上之英文全名、香港身份證號碼頭 4 位數字、香港手提電話號碼及國泰會員賬戶,以「訊息」形式傳送至 Pinkoi Facebook 專頁,否則被視同放棄,其得獎資格將被取消。所有於截止日期前遞交個人資料的得獎者將於 7 日內或之前接獲「訊息」通知領獎詳情。
3. 本活動只限年滿 18 歲人士參加。
4. 購買電子禮物卡金額並不計算在參加活動訂單門檻之內。
5. 所有資料均以網上登記之記錄為準,任何錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效。若活動所填寫之資料不實或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及活動獎品,Pinkoi 恕不負責。
6. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於 Pinkoi 之事由,而使參加者或得獎者所登錄之資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,Pinkoi 不負任何法律責任,參加者或得獎者均不得異議。
7. 如發現參加者以外掛程式或其他非正式途徑如空號或假帳戶參加本活動,Pinkoi 將取消該參加者的參加資格而不作另行通知。
8. 獎品不能轉讓或兌換現金。
9. 獎賞以 30,000「亞洲萬里通」里數形式發放,里數將於得獎者遞交個人資料後起計 4 至 6 星期存入客戶所登記之國泰會員賬戶內。
10. 此活動僅適用於香港地區。
11. 參加者了解並願意遵守本公司訂立的條款及細則,如有違反條款、以不誠實手法進行此活動及、或造假者,本公司有權取消其參加及得獎資格,而不作任何通知。
12. 須受國泰條款及細則約束。
13. 如有任何爭議,Pinkoi 、國泰航空公司與亞洲萬里通有限公司保留最終決議權。
【獲得 Pinkoi 體驗活動折扣優惠券乙張】
1. 此活動時間為 2024 年 2 月 15 日 00:00 至 2024 年 2 月 29 日 23:59。
2. 活動期間內完成付款,單筆訂單金額滿 HK$800 並於活動主題頁完成登錄,即可於活動後獲得 Pinkoi 體驗活動折扣優惠券乙張(滿額門檻為訂單之商品折扣後金額,不包含運費或金流處理費)。
3. 優惠券將在 2024 年 3 月 11 日 贈送至優惠券集合頁,購買體驗活動滿 HK$500 即可減 HK$50。
4. 若取消訂單,將會回收該筆訂單之 P Coins。
5. 優惠券數量有限,先到先得,領完即止,如優惠券派發完畢將顯示優惠券無效。
6. 此優惠每個帳號限使用乙次,適用於合併結帳。
7. 此優惠不適用透過 Affiliates.One 下訂的訂單。
8. 此優惠適用於香港地區,已成立訂單不得以未使用優惠為由取消訂單。
9. 如同時符合多項 Pinkoi 活動優惠,使用活動折抵時會擇優套用金額予以折抵,無法合併優惠使用。
10. 符合活動條件與站上優惠規則即可享有優惠,優惠規則詳情:https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/zh-tw/articles/115003419653"
① During February 15 2024 00:00 to February 29 2024 23:59, members with purchases over HK$800 may participate in the activity.
② Members have to visit the theme page of ""Travel Essentials 2024"" and register for the activity. To participate in the activity, an order of at least HK$800 has to be made within the promotional period. Each member can only register once.
③ The 200th, 400th, 600th, and 800th-registered members shall receive two sets of round-trip air tickets to Taiwan (in the form of 30,000 Asia Miles)
④ The first 800 members who successfully registered and fulfilled the order requirement shall receive a coupon code for Pinkoi Experiences.
【Giveaway of Two Sets of Round-trip Air Tickets to Taiwan】
1. Promotional period: February 15, 2024 00:00 to February 29 2024 23:59. During the promotional period, orders over HK$800 stand a chance to win TWO SETS OF ROUND-TRIP AIR TICKETS TO TAIWAN.
2. Winner list will be published on Pinkoi's official Facebook on March 10 2024. Winners should submit their actual name in English (as shown on Hong Kong ID card), a valid Hong Kong mobile number, the first 4-numeric digits of Hong Kong ID number (e.g. 1234), and a Cathay membership account to Pinkoi's Facebook fan page through “Message” within 7 days. Late submissions will be disqualified. Winners with successful submissions will be notified by “Message” within 7 days afterward.
3. All participants must be aged 18 or above.
4. The e-Gift Card purchasing amount will not be counted for the order amount.
5. If winners cannot receive winning notifications or cannot redeem the prize due to any fake, incomplete, or incorrect information provided for promotion, Cathay Pacific shall bear no responsibility.
6. During this promotion, if registered data or winning notification is lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable, or damaged by any computer, network, telephone, or technical issue that is not attributed to the default of Pinkoi, Pinkoi shall not have any legal liability if the participant is judged as disqualified and the participant cannot object
7. Any illegal or fraudulent acts to sabotage the rules and enter this promotion, their participation and/or winning qualifications will be void without prior notice.
8. Pinkoi makes no warranties with respect to the activity and/or the prizes. All warranties including those implied by law are excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law. The liability of Pinkoi, its subsidiaries, and affiliates, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors arising out of, resulting from, or by reason of the participant's participation in the game or the prizes, is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law, irrespective of the cause of action for a claim.
9. All prizes are not redeemable for cash or resale purposes, whether with the intent to make a profit or not.
10. Rewards are issued in the form of 30,000 Asia Miles. Miles will be credited to the registered Cathay membership account of the customer 4 - 6 weeks after information submission.
11. This offer is only applicable in Hong Kong.
12. All participants expressly confirm that he/she has read and understood the stated terms and conditions of Pinkoi which are available at the activity post.
13. Other Cathay terms and conditions apply.
14. In cases of any dispute, the decision of Pinkoi, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, and Asia Miles Limited shall be final.
【Giveaway of a Coupon Code for Pinkoi Experiences】
1. Promotional period: February 15 2024 00:00 to February 29 2024 23:59.
2. During the promotional period, members should make an order of at least HK$800 and finish registration on the topic page of ""Travel Essentials 2024"" to be seen as qualified to the activity. (The value of an order is calculated using the amount after shop discount and does not include shipping and transaction fees.)
3. The coupon will be sent to the ""Pinkoi Coupon"" page in ""My Coupons"" on March 11 2024, and can be applied for a HK$50 discount on a purchase of at least HK$500 for Pinkoi experiences.
4. If an order is canceled, any P Coins issued for it will also be revoked.
5. Coupons are given out on a first come first served basis.
6. Orders from Affliate.One are not counted in this event.
7. The coupon can be applied only once per account. Combined checkout is suitable for use with this offer.
8. This offer is applicable to Hong Kong customers. Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled on the basis of unused promotions.
9. Offer is valid for use once the outlined terms and conditions have been met and Pinkoi Discount Regulations have been complied with. For regulation details, please refer to: https://pinkoi.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003419653"
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