In accordance with Taiwan Customs regulation, customer reside in Taiwan and made oversea orders will need to provide ID number to shipping courier for parcel delivery and customs clearance.
ID number will only be provided for designer to ship the order and shipping courier to go through customs clearance. You may click "Received Item" button on order page to complete the order after receiving item ordered. As soon as the order is completed, ID number will be deleted automatically and removed from order page. Pinkoi will not record your ID number in the system.
For any concerns after an order is made or request to delete personal information, please find "Contact Designer" button on order page and discuss refund with designer through Pinkoi message. If the order is already shipped, please proceed refund and return process through the system. Order will be cancelled when the order is refunded and your personal information will be deleted accordingly.
For further inquiries, welcome to contact us. Pinkoi Team will be happy to assist you. Thank you.
Introduction link for Taiwan Real Name Authentication from Taiwan Customs.
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