The status of your order not being updated could be due to the following reasons:
1. If “Shipped” is continually not being displayed for your order’s status.
The designer (seller) has not shipped the item yet. Please use the “Contact designer” button on the order to page to inquire with the designer about when the item will be shipped. If the item you have purchased is “made-to-order”, it will require some additional time to prepare. Please be sure to read the product description and details carefully before purchasing.
2. If “Shipped” is being displayed for your order’s status but there is no detailed tracking information.
a. Certain couriers do not support “real time tracking”.
Pinkoi has connected a “real time tracking” service with the statuses of orders. Supported couriers include FedEx, DHL, TNT, SF Express and more. If the designer (seller) has used a courier or shipping method that does not support “real time tracking”, please use the shipping information and tracking number provided by the designer to check for your order’s shipping status on the Internet.
b. The designer (seller) has not provided or has filled in the wrong tracking number for your order.
If the designer has not provided or has filled in the wrong tracking number, then the correct tracking information will not be able to be displayed. When this situation occurs, please use the “Contact designer” button on the order page to ask the designer to provide the correct tracking number.
3. If only a portion of the tracking information is being displayed.
When making purchases across borders, if the designer (seller) has shipped your order using their local postal service, once the package arrives at the destination region, your local postal service will be responsible for shipping the package the rest of the way. Tracking information may not be able to be updated once the package arrives in your local region. At this time, please use the tracking number provided by the designer to track your package using the websites listed below:
(Can display complete tracking information across borders.)
(Can only display tracking information once your package has arrived in Hong Kong.)
The post office will not notify you of your package’s arrival.
Please be sure to monitor the shipping progress of your package. If multiple unsuccessful delivery attempts are made, the package will be temporarily held by the post office. Should this happen, please promptly go to the post office to pick up your package and remember to bring a valid ID.
If you do not claim your package within the holding period, your package will be returned to the sender.
More information:
My package has been returned to its sender by the post office.
What should I do?
If you do not receive a reply within 3 working days when contacting the designer, or if you have any other issues you need assistance with, please contact us.
Our customer service team will be happy to provide assistance.
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