Dear designer,
With the launch of our new digital product listings, Pinkoi will be migrating all listings originally under “Regular Listing(s) - Digital Goods” to “Digital Product Listings - Made-to-order” on 11/29 (Tue) between 12:00 - 15:00 (GMT+8). All listing information and descriptions will be migrated. After migration is complete, you’ll be able to complete shipment for digital product listings by simply uploading files to order pages. To ensure your rights are protected, please be sure to carefully read over the following:
Listings must meet the following conditions to be migrated:
- Listing Type: Regular Listing(s)
- Listing Category: Digital Goods
- Shipping Options: $0 (Free Shipping)
- Listing Status: Listings that meet any one of the conditions below will be migrated.
- Activated (Currently Listed)
- Deactivated
- Sold Out (Stock = 0)
The system will automatically conduct the migration on 11/29 (Tue) between 12:00 - 15:00 (GMT+8). Please avoid editing any listings that meet the conditions listed above, as this could cause the migration to fail.
💡 FAQ 💡
Q: The system will automatically configure migrated digital product listings as “made-to-order”. Can I configure them as “direct download” afterwards?
A: Yes. If you wish to configure a listing as a direct download, go to its listing page and select “direct download” as the delivery method. Please note that listing variations cannot be configured for direct downloads. After you change the delivery method of a digital product listing to direct download, any previous listing variation information will not be retained.
Q: Will listing information and descriptions be migrated?
A: Yes. Listing information and all basic settings will be migrated. You will not have to reconfigure your listings.
Q: What will the default download validity period be for migrated listings?
A: After all listings are successfully migrated, the system will set the download validity period to 90 days for all migrated listings. You are free to modify the download validity period for all of your listings.
Q: Can listings that have been migrated be restored as “Regular Listing(s)”?
A: No. Listings that have been migrated over to the new digital product listing type cannot be restored back to the regular listing type.
Q: Will existing orders be affected?
A: No. Please remember to use your originally configured shipping method for any existing orders.
If you have any further questions, please refer to our Digital Goods Seller Handbook or contact our customer service team at
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